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Ministry work is an important component of the Church. It is through the various ministries that the Church is able to address the needs of its members and the community. Members are encouraged to become a part of one or more ministries.


Spiritual Growth & Enrichment

Deacon Board Ministry

Mission: Provide assistance to the Pastor in carrying out the spiritual objective and mission of the Church. Proclaim CHRIST as our LORD and SAVIOR and to teach HIS word as reflected in the New Testament scripture. 

Ministry Leader:  Deacon Richard Lonon


Spiritual Growth & Enrichment

Deaconess Board Ministry

Mission: Assist the Pastor and the Deacons in carrying out the spiritual objectives and mission of the church; and to proclaim Christ as Lord and Savior through teaching and service to others. 

Chair: Deaconess Louella Bailey


Prayer Ministry

Mission: Provide intercessory prayer to all that are in need. Let your requests be known to God in everything by prayer, supplication, and thanksgiving. Philippians 4:6. 

Ministry Leader: Benita Swann


Men’s Ministry

Mission: Encourage men to grow in their faith in Christ, engage with other men and provide opportunities to serve our community for Christ. 

Ministry Leader: Van Bond, II.


Women’s Ministry

Mission: Encourage women to grow in their faith in Christ, strengthen Christian friendships with other women, and provide opportunities to serve our community for Christ. 

Ministry Leader: Carol Butler


Senior Ministry

Mission:   A testament to serve our seniors joyfully and not groan, serve in love, graciousness, and in good deeds, Hebrew 13:17.

Ministry Leader:  Benita Swann



Christian Education

Christian Education Ministry

Mission:  Foster and encourage strategies that facilitate Christian growth in discipleship in support of church ministries and the mission of the First Baptist Church, Georgetown.

Ministry Leader: Deaconess Grace Knox


New Members Ministry

Mission:  Welcome and embrace new members with the love of Christ.  Teach church and Baptist beliefs focused on discipleship, stewardship and evangelism, which enhance kingdom building. 

Ministry Leader: Deaconess Grace Knox


Sunday School

Mission:  Affirm the Bible as God’s Word and use it as the textbook for understanding biblical truths and support for the First Baptist Church mission.  

Ministry Leader: Deaconess Grace Knox


Bible Study

Mission: To go therefore and make disciples of all nations through in depth bible study and teaching that glorifies God and promotes kingdom building.


Vacation Bible School

Mission:  Making disciples for Christ by providing children, teens and adults with biblical instruction through fun filled themes and spiritually engaging learning activities.


Dance & Music Ministries

Mission: The Music Ministry serves provide spiritually uplifting music for regular Sunday services and other occasions. It sets the tone for receiving the spoken Word of the day.  Ministry Leader: Deaconess Louella Bailey

Mission:  The Liturgical Dance Ministry serves to enhance the spiritual experience through choreographed dance, music and praise and worship. Welcome and train those who have a calling to worship The Lord through dance.

Ministry Leader: Jacquelyn Lonon



Church & Community Outreach 

Missionary Ministry

Mission:  Following the directive of Christ, Matthew 25: 35-40, Serve God! As we minister physically and spiritually to the "brothers and sisters of mine, you serve me" in building the kingdom of Christ. 

Ministry Leader: Benita Swann




Public Relations

Mission: Build church awareness and engaging members and the community through online, email, social media, streaming, media relations and traditional communications.

Ministry Leader: 


A/V/S & Communications

Mission:  Leverage audio and visual technology to enhance the spiritual component of the onsite and live stream worship services.   Worshippers experience the live stream or audio recordings.

Ministry Leader:  Deacon Timothy Barr


Historic Archives Ministry

Mission: Collecting and preserving the historical artifacts of the Church. 

Ministry Leader: Vinette Saunders



Church Administration & Support


Mission: Greet worshippers and prepare them for a spiritual experience. Ensure that order is maintained during all worship services.  Outreach to communities in need. 

Ministry Leader: Wilma Barrett


Trustee Board

Mission:  Oversee the care and upkeep of the Church, making sure that the Church body has a congenial, safe and well maintained gathering environment.  

Ministry Leader: Delmas Henry


Finance Ministries

Mission: Manage the financial and investment planning, budget management and audit process for the church.  Ministry Leader: Francene Harper. 

Sub-Leaders:  Deacon Tim Barr (Investment Committee), & Andrea Bailey (Audit Committee)

Christian Education
Church & Community Outreach 
Church Administation & Support
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